Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Pinterest Addiction

I have become addicted to Pinterest! Found this breakfast idea and HAD to try it! Very easy & DELICIOUS!
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Half-fry several pieces of bacon. Cut circles out of bread; I used a pint glass. Lightly spray muffin pan with vegetable oil spray. Place bread circles in bottom of tin. Place bacon around the outside edge of muffin tin (between bread & muffin tin wall). Crack open an egg; discard about 1/2 of egg white, and pour the rest of the egg into the bread/bacon basket. Put in oven and bake until bacon is completely cooked and eggs are set, about 10-20 minutes. They turned out really well, if I do say so myself!!!
Pinterest could become a serious problem!!!

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