Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A New Library!!!

My school was completely renovated this summer.  In May, we packed up the library--yes more than 18,000 titles had to be packed away; it was one BIG, EMPTY space!!!  

This August, the renovations were complete, and when we were able to get into the school, this is what the library looked like.  There was a MOUNTAIN of work to be done! The library was one jumbled mess; furniture still needed to be unpacked and put together; I was NOT going to be open on the first day of school!!!  Thank goodness I had help!!!

Slowly, but surely, things got unpacked and put away.  We could see real progress being made!
I opened the library in mid-September. I love the space!!!  The new furniture is beautiful, and the new layout is wonderful!  It was definitely worth all of the work!!!!!!!!

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