Thursday, October 2, 2008

PTO Concessions & Aggie Football

Our school's PTO President is a real go-getter!  All of our PTO parents work hard to take care of us at school.  One of their fundraisers is a TAMU football concession stand, and I worked the concessions stand during the TAMU vs Army football game.  It is a difficult, difficult day--lots of cleaning, stocking, standing, walking, counting, serving, and moving, but it was fun! AND, it was a good day for the PTO; we made $1200 for our school! YAY!

The game was military appreciation day, complete with full military review, helicopter fly over, and paratroopers.  The half time show was fabulous, another win for the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band, of course.  But when we saw the finale on our television monitors, a few of us were able to run out of the booth and see it live! 

AND, to top it all off, the Aggies won!  WHOOP!

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