Tuesday, June 3, 2008


     School is finally out, and summer is finally here!!!  Of course, Duane is still working, and the heat makes his job more difficult (Hint...buy stock in Gatorade, he is single-handedly keeping them in business!!!), and I'm teaching summer school, but we are glad summer is upon us!  We bought a  new  toy...On Memorial Day, Duane and I bought a Wii (pics to come soon!), and we have been Wii Wii-ing all over the place ever since!!!  WHAT FUN!  What makes it all even better is that Duane can't beat me in golf!!! Oh, he talks a big game, but he can't back it up on the course!  HA! This is pretty much our summer plan...Later on we'll be moving, but until then, we are going to stay close to home and enjoy our summer!

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