Monday, June 23, 2008

Jen's Last Fling Before Her Ring!

This weekend, we celebrated the ending of Jennifer's single life!  It was a great time! Erica planned and executed a great party that was LOTS OF FUN!  We were chauffeured around Houston in style--a luxury limo that was quite comfortable.  Our driver lived up to his name and was Krunk!  Dinner at Benihana's, and fun-fun-fun at Howl at the Moon!  Gotta love piano bars!!! AND yes, the Aggies did manage to out-tip the other schools to keep our War Hymn number one and our pennant flying high! WHOOP!!! It was a great night with good friends, a great way to celebrate Jennifer's last days of singlehood!  Sunday was a day of much needed  recuperation, but Saturday's party was well worth it! 

Saturday, June 14, 2008

All of my smack talking about Duane's Wii golfing has started something...practice! Duane practiced and practiced and now he is better than me and ranked higher than me in golf. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted! I guess I need to complete all of the training and practice too so I can keep up with him! I'm sure this will be a long lasting rivalry! The other sports are fun too...we also play the other sports: bowling, tennis, baseball, and boxing. Boxing is quite a workout! And, as most of you know, my husband loves a good wager. Each night we play tennis to see who will cook dinner on the following night. Duane is better than me, so I'm still doing most of the cooking, but I plan on getting better once I'm home and can practice during the day! Yesterday, I bought Mario Carts. TOO FUN! That steering wheel is great! The Wii was a smart purchase!

Wii Fit is the latest addition to our Wii library.  Some of the activities are just plain fun!  I love the hula-hooping!  Duane likes the ski jumping; actually, Duane likes any of the activities where he holds the high score record! Here he is trying to improve upon his best ski-jumping efforts! So far, just the thrill of victory, no agony of defeat in our living room!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


     School is finally out, and summer is finally here!!!  Of course, Duane is still working, and the heat makes his job more difficult ( stock in Gatorade, he is single-handedly keeping them in business!!!), and I'm teaching summer school, but we are glad summer is upon us!  We bought a  new  toy...On Memorial Day, Duane and I bought a Wii (pics to come soon!), and we have been Wii Wii-ing all over the place ever since!!!  WHAT FUN!  What makes it all even better is that Duane can't beat me in golf!!! Oh, he talks a big game, but he can't back it up on the course!  HA! This is pretty much our summer plan...Later on we'll be moving, but until then, we are going to stay close to home and enjoy our summer!

3 Graduations!!!

Our family was lucky enough to celebrate 3 graduations this year!  I graduated and two of my nieces graduated.  Kaylee graduated from 8th grade; she'll move on to high school next year.  And, her older sister, Laura, graduated from high school.  We are very proud of both girls and can't wait to see the wonderful things that are in their futures!